Recruiting in Manchester: Strategies for Success
Posted 2025-01-21
Manchester is one of the UK’s most vibrant economic hubs, however, recruiting in this dynamic city comes with its unique set of challenges.
Building a Clear, Unifying Purpose
Posted 2025-01-14
The concept of purpose has emerged as a defining element of successful organisations, bridging the gap between employee engagement and organisational goals.
Building Empathy: The Foundation of a Thriving Organisation
Posted 2025-01-14
As businesses continue to evolve to meet the challenges of a post-pandemic world, empathy has emerged as a cornerstone of effective leadership and workplace culture.
Building a Future-Ready Workforce: Sustaining and Expanding Work-Life Balance Policies
Posted 2025-01-09
The interplay between professional demands and personal well-being continues to challenge employers and employees alike.
HR Predictions for 2025: What lies ahead for the workplace
Posted 2025-01-08
HR leaders must navigate these changes with agility and foresight. This article contains the key HR trends and predictions for the coming year.
How AI is Revolutionising the Fashion Industry
Posted 2024-12-16
Linn Andersen recently attended this year's NF&TA conference, which highlighted the vital role that consumers, businesses, and authorities play in fostering a sustainable future.
Climbing the Marketing Career Ladder: Insights from Industry Experts
Posted 2024-10-25
Nigel Wright Group was delighted to welcome James Russell-Watson, Head of Marketing at Nuby, to present at our recent ‘Climbing the Marketing Career Ladder’ webinar.
Elevating the Food Industry: Promoting Food and Drink Careers to the Next Generation
Posted 2024-10-22
Our recent HR webinar was centred on how food companies are promoting careers to students and the next generation of workers.
Posted 2024-10-08
The Dynamites are the North East’s most highly anticipated IT and tech awards.
Nigel Wright Group’s Transformative Impact on Ispire Technology
Posted 2024-08-12
Nigel Wright Group successfully assists Ispire Technology, proving its expertise in consumer goods executive search.
2024 Yorkshire Excellence in HR Awards
Posted 2024-08-08
We are delighted to announce the launch of the 2024 Yorkshire Excellence in HR Awards to showcase the amazing contributions of the HR community across Yorkshire.
Manufacturers’ Workforce Attraction & Retention Strategies
Posted 2024-07-24
In June, Nigel Wright Group hosted the first of a programme of webinars intended to support industrial and manufacturing organisations in the region.
The Journey from Marketing Graduate to Managing Director
Posted 2024-07-24
Our Associate Director Chris Kent talks to Charlie Nettle from AV Dawson about his career in marketing
Posted 2024-07-15
The Dynamites, ran by Dynamo North East, are the North East’s most highly anticipated IT and tech awards.
Employee Retention as a Strategic Imperative
Posted 2024-06-26
According to Nigel Wright Group's Modern Workplace Survey, employee retention which has emerged as a paramount concern for businesses in 2024.
Embracing Agile HR: Insights from Nigel Wright Group’s HR Leaders Breakfast Event
Posted 2024-06-20
In June, Nigel Wright Group hosted a HR Leaders Breakfast Event on the theme of ‘Agile HR’.
Embracing Sustainability in the Consumer Sector: Key Trends for 2024
Posted 2024-06-20
Nigel Wright Group’s Consultant Linn Andersen looks at which key trends have shaped sustainability in the consumer sector for 2024.
Transforming the Modern Workplace: Strategies for Overcoming Today’s Challenges
Posted 2024-06-04
Nigel Wright Group launched the results of its 2024 Modern Workplace Opportunities and Trends Survey at two exclusive events in Newcastle and Leeds.
The AI Evolution: Strategies and Practical Applications
Posted 2024-05-22
In April, Nigel Wright Group hosted a webinar on ‘The AI Evolution’, with guest speakers Martin Meller and Claus Nissum Holm.
Nurturing Employee Wellbeing
Posted 2024-04-10
Nigel Wright Group's latest HR leaders webinar focused on fostering employee wellbeing in the food manufacturing industry and was led by Natalie Worrell, HR Manager at Bernard Matthews.
Nigel Wright recruitment group launches New York office after turnover tops £26m
Posted 2024-03-13
Recruitment group Nigel Wright Group has launched a base in New York to help clients expand in the US on the back of a year which saw its turnover top £26m.
Breaking Barriers: Advancing DEI Strategies in Organisations
Posted 2024-03-11
Nigel Wright Group held an HR Leaders Breakfast and welcomed three Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) experts to lead a panel discussion on how to approach DEI within organisations and overcome challenges.
EU's Digital Product Passport: Transforming the European Market by 2030
Posted 2024-02-26
Our Consultant Linn Andersen discusses the implementation of EU’s Digital Product Passport.
Harmony in Leadership: Navigating Emotional Intelligence through Olympian Insights, Workplace Empathy, and Resilient Team Dynamics
Posted 2024-02-20
Nigel Wright Group was delighted to host a business breakfast event in collaboration with Newcastle Rugby Foundation, the Newcastle Falcons’ official charity. Over 150 business leaders attended to learn about the importance of emotional intelligence.
Capri Sun - A client’s perspective of the hiring process for introducing transformational change
Posted 2024-01-22
A confidential project hiring multiple roles in a tight timeframe.