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Katrin Malzkorn

Associate Director

Fashion & Lifestyle, Beauty & Cosmetics, Interior

Dusseldorf Office
Tel: +49 211 5401 0887
Mob: +49 171 11 484 45

Katrin's Experience Summary

Mit mehr als einem Jahrzehnt an Erfahrung in der Durchführung von Rekrutierungsprojekten für einige der bekanntesten und globalen Mode-, Lifestyle- und Beauty-Marken, wechselte Katrin Malzkorn im Jahr 2018 zur Nigel Wright Group. Zuvor war sie seit 2013 in verschiedenen Führungspositionen bei einer spezialisierten Personalberatung tätig. Im Laufe ihrer Karriere hat sie nachhaltige Partnerschaften mit nationalen und internationalen Kunden aufgebaut. Für ihre hervorragende Leistung wurde Katrin im Jahr 2023 zum Associate Director befördert. In dieser Rolle besetzt sie für Mode-, Sport-, Schuhe-, Schmuck-, Accessoires-, Kosmetik- und Interiorunternehmen internationale Führungspositionen sowie hochrangige Spezialistenpositionen.

Very pleasant and constructive discussions take place in advance. Both sides address the candidate's strengths and weaknesses and determine whether the position is a good fit for the candidate.

That was literally the best recruitment experience I have ever had. The recruiter was very professional, always on time, and helped me to take one of the most important life changing decisions I have ever had to make.

Super helpful, friendly and reliable! Reachable at any time. 100% commitment.

Very open application process, you get advice and have the feeling of being well informed about your chance! Incredibly experienced and competent team! very trustworthy and honest.

I have had the best contact I have ever had with a head hunter with Ms. Katrin Malzkorn.

That was literally the best recruitment experience I have ever had. The recruiter was very professional, always on time, and helped me to take one of the most important life changing decisions I have ever had to make.

The handling was professional from contact to completion. The provision of background information on the two dates and the links with information about the company were very helpful. The processing of the interviews and the planning of the further steps were exemplary.

I felt very well taken care of. Open and sympathetic communication at eye level and the handling was very contemporary and uncomplicated.

Excellent structured and binding process. I felt very well looked after and always received quick feedback.