The DIY sector has grown in recent years, driven by a rising motivation for undertaking home improvement projects. It’s a dynamic industry where product diversity, customer preferences, and market trends play vital roles. DIY companies are competing to capture market share amidst often volatile market conditions, characterised recently by the rise in the cost of goods.
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Recruiting adept leaders is crucial for success and our expert Consultants have a proven track record in identifying talent that can optimise supply chains and manage pricing pressures. The strength of our networks and market knowledge enables us to recruit experienced professionals, who can drive growth, streamline operations, and ensure the delivery of high-quality DIY products to consumers.
Client quotes
Nigel Wright helped us figure out what we really wanted in our new hire. Not an easy task in reality. By listening carefully and asking key questions, they were able to present a good selection of candidates well matched to our vacancy, team, objectives and business. We made a good hire. I’m very happy to recommend Nigel Wright and will work with them again.
Matthew Long, European Financial Controller at Formica
Your management of the process was terrific and ensured that I was comfortable with progress at all times. And we found a good person - which helps.
Nigel Moore, General Manager at NAP Brands
Working with a professional like you is a real pleasure. Your understanding of customer requirements and the subsequent placement of the right candidates produces successful outcomes.
Mark Clarke, Interim Logistics Director at The CDA Group
First class service! Professional, very efficient and followed everything up promptly, right through the process to a successful hire.
Karen Curry, HR Manager at Formica
Very thorough briefing taken to ensure requirements were understood. This helped us to decide what we really needed.
Geir Tønnesland, CEO at SG Armaturen / SG Lighting