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Anne's Blog - Life as a Recruitment Consultant

Anne's headshot


In order to portray a real representation of the culture here at Nigel Wright, we asked some of our Recruitment Consultants to answer a series of questions about their careers and about working for Nigel Wright.

Senior Consultant Anne Sabroe, shares why she chose to work for Nigel Wright, how Nigel Wright compares to her expectations and the work-life balance she has by joining our team. 

What did you do before joining Nigel Wright?

Prior to joining Nigel Wright, I worked within the media industry for 14 years. I worked for the large media agency Mediacom, and then for various other large media houses within the sales department. My last role was for the UK-based Digital Outdoor Company, Ocean Outdoor, as a Sales Director. Here I was responsible for securing the company’s position in the Danish Out of Home market (OOH) by being part of a team, establishing a digital advertising network throughout the shopping mall landscape in Denmark and securing advertising profit. Throughout my career in sales, I have worked in leadership, business development, marketing communication, financial and commercial management.

Why did I choose Nigel Wright?

I initially applied as a candidate for a role Nigel Wright was working on. I did not get the role, but I thought the process was super professional from beginning to end. It was very different from other recruitment processes I had previously gone through. I was eager to try something different from working with media and sales and later reached out to Nigel Wright to discuss other job opportunities. We began talking about working for Nigel Wright which totally surprised me, but after a couple of conversations, I was hooked and saw the similarities with what I had done previously. I also saw opportunities to learn, meet great and interesting people and gain an extensive network. The opportunity was and still is, exciting.

Has Nigel Wright been what you expected?

Not really, it has been better than what I first anticipated. Previously, I had worked for larger companies with more colleagues in the office than I have now. At first, that was a bit of a concern, but my time here has shown me that even though I have colleagues sitting in various Nigel Wright offices across Europe, we are one team, and everyone is prepared to help each other. I have met so many nice people. I truly enjoy the friendly banter and professional sparring I have with my co-workers in the Danish office. I believe that the conversations I had about joining, were about securing me being the right match for my colleagues and the Nigel Wright culture. On another level, I also feel rewarded for having so many great candidate and client conversations and have learned a lot about various industries, which also has been truly rewarding. So, the amount of people I talk to each day has also put my concern about being at “a smaller local office” at ease.

What do you enjoy doing in your free time?

I have been together with Martin, a doctor in anaesthesia, for the past 13 years, and together we have two kids. Ellinor who is 6 and Edgar who is 2. Being a mom with kids of that age kind of takes all my “free” time. We bought a house 2.5 years ago and we are currently renovating “an old lady” house which also takes some of our time. This is the third building project we have done together. I do have a passion for design and interior.

What’s work-life balance like at Nigel Wright?

One of the reasons that I was drawn to join Nigel Wright, was the possibility to have exactly that! Nigel Wright embraces this very important factor, and it gives me a lot of flexibility having the opportunity to work from home a couple of days a week if needed. My leadership team appreciates the importance of family and the general well-being of every member of staff. Finding a company that understands the importance of having a work-life balance was essential to me when changing careers.

Interested in joining our team?

If you're interested in becoming a Recruitment Consultant, we'd love to speak to you. Nigel Wright Group is Europe's number one consumer sector recruitment specialist and we are currently looking for Recruitment Consultants to join our team. Find out more about us by visiting our careers microsite to apply for one of our roles.